This section provides a clear snapshot of the most important details about the deal. It highlights the value proposition, current project status, and any critical updates, ensuring stakeholders can quickly understand the core aspects of the sales room at a glance.
This section helps identify and manage everyone involved in the deal, from IT to finance and legal. Each stakeholder sees the information most relevant to them, enabling faster decisions and smoother collaboration.
A centralized space for all deal-related files, including contracts, proposals, and technical materials. This ensures everyone has access to the most up-to-date documents without confusion or delays.
The timeline offers a clear view of the deal's progress, including milestones, meetings, and approvals. It keeps everyone aligned on what’s been done and what comes next, ensuring transparency throughout the process.
"dealday empowered us to deliver a tailored, engaging experience that accelerated stakeholder alignment and streamlined the approval process"
A digital sales room simplifies every step of your sales process. No more email chaos, no more lost documents—just smooth, efficient collaboration with your buyers.
Selling becomes effortless:
Faster deal speed
Centralized access to information and mutual timelines dramatically accelerate the sales process, helping you close deals faster than ever before.
Increase in win rate
By replacing traditional back-and-forth with a seamless digital experience, sellers gain a competitive edge that resonates with buyers.
Faster onboarding
Aligning stakeholders in a single space eliminates complexity, making onboarding smoother and more efficient for everyone involved.