Burning prospects on purpose
B2B Sales Strategyenterprise sales

Burning prospects on purpose

We explore the transformative power of a new sales philosophy introduced by Pritu Detempele. By embracing authenticity, we dive into abandoning the stereotypical "Salesman of the Year" persona and engage in real, meaningful conversations with clients.

Posted by Lennart | September 16, 2024
What vendors to chose, and what to have for lunch

What vendors to chose, and what to have for lunch

Customers as multifaceted individuals. How to embrace it and overcome human inertia.

Posted by Lennart | August 15, 2024
Shortcutting a deal devil-may-care

Shortcutting a deal devil-may-care

The temptation and risk involved in taking approval shortcuts to get a deal signed faster

Posted by Lennart | August 15, 2024
Behind closed doors
enterprise sales

Behind closed doors

What really happens in B2B sales when prospects discuss your project internally

Posted by Lennart | August 15, 2024
From shiny welcome mat to signed contract

From shiny welcome mat to signed contract

From prospect to customer we discuss - when is the “right" moment to use a dealroom

Posted by Lennart | August 15, 2024
Why mutual actions plans fail

Why mutual actions plans fail

How to truly align goals, build trust, and close deals faster with collaborative sales strategies.

Posted by Lennart | August 15, 2024
The summer slump

The summer slump

When the sun starts shining and the temperatures rise, a new excuse dominates pipeline updates: the infamous summer slump.

Posted by Lennart | August 15, 2024
B2B Buyer Personas

B2B Buyer Personas

Welcome to the world of buyer personas. Fictional yet important to consider profiles influencing your buying process.

Posted by Lennart | August 15, 2024